Techno Vinyls Records ’ series of interviews, we talk to producers who have releases on our label.
Interview with Ron Impro (Ronny Lemke)
What does producing mean to you? When did you start your music career and what motivated you?
- For me, producing means switching off, letting my emotions run free and getting creative. But above all, for me it means doing what makes me happy. As soon as i sit in my little studio and turn on my speakers, i’m in a different world. For me there is not much that fulfills me more than sound design in the studio. I started making music almost 10 years ago. I actually got into music in a very clashy way. Listening to music on television and on the radio fascinated me to the electronic sounds of the 90s and not at least there was the club scene that caught me after the first parties. It was clear to me that I wanted to stand behind the decks and play my own tracks.
How have your releases inspired you throughout your career?
- My tracks are always produced in the here and now. I don’t let myself be inspired beforehand and go into the studio with the idea of producing a track now. I think the best tracks just come from the current situation and jamming. Of course, I’ve often had an idea in my head and said to myself I’m producing this track now, but that never worked and in the end it always came out differently than what the goal was. I think you can say my tracks are 100% what I currently have on me. But what you can say is that I definitely notice that I am getting harder and faster in my production over the years. Right now I’m at 140-145 BPM. I started with 120BPM 10 years ago.
Do you like to collaborate with other artists? What do you think about remixing? Do you like to remix or do you like to have your music remixed?
- Yes, definitely! I like to remix tracks and give them a whole new structure. But also the other way around. I also like to hear what other DJs do with my music. That’s always very interesting for me because you can learn a lot in every remix. Nevertheless I think that I have to keep the balance between my own tracks and remixes. I’m currently doing a collab with NÜWA. But unfortunately I can’t say much more about that. But it’s going to be tough.
How do you choose a title for your tracks? Do you think a well-chosen track and EP title matters?
- Indeed, i find it very, very difficult with track titles.Until i have a final title, it changes 5 times before its the final result. For this reason I have already decided to give my tracks only german names. Which of course is also a recognition feature for me in the end.
Still, guess if a track is good it doesn’t matter what the title is. In the end, the music is played and not the name.
Is a well-designed cover important to you?
- I don’t really care about the cover either. I’ve never complained about a cover before. Again, i can only say that the music is played and not the cover. But of course it’s the cover that you see when scrolling through Instagram, Spotify and co. So if you see a cool cover while scrolling through, you probably just stop and listen to it. But since the labels take over most of the poromotion, I think they are professionals and know exactly what they do when it comes to covers and so on. So I just rely on the labels’ feel for the right marketing.
How do you choose record labels (what is a good label for you and what are your expectations)?
- First of all, i just look at which label the music i’m currently produce is released on, and second, my current title has to fit with the label. If those two things are well, the label is a potential label for me. Then there are the labels that you as an artist would like to release on and where you therefore always send your music first and eventually reach your goal. At the moment I have found my home base and try as best I can to only release there. At this point a greeting to N.O.B.A. and NÜWA and their label “Ithica Records”.
How do you see track sales in the digital millennium data flood (for example: how do you see the digital sales, promotion tracks, illegal downloads etc.)?
- I could write an entire novel on this question just to be very specific. I think artists and labels have to become supporters and I hate illegally downloading music.
If you just think about it that a track costs about 1E I think you should pay for it. There is so much work, feeling and emotion in such a track that the artist and the label
should be rewarded for offering the community new content and keeping the scene alive.
What are your future plans for making tracks?
- I’m definitely working on an album right now that is going to take a while. I’ll be releasing single here and there for as long as I can. Furthermore, my goals are to release on my favorite label and of course to continue to work with Techno Vinyls Records. You’re doing a great job. keep it up. Vinyls have to be kept alive as long as possible.
Thank you for accepting our interview request, we wish you much more success in your producer work!
VINYL ► Ron Impro – Parallelwelt